SUGAR BABIES: an eye-opening documentary directed by Jenny Mackenzie that examines the public health epidemic of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. At a quick, exciting pace, Jenny Mackenzie’s film follows its five main stories at home, in school, on the sports field, and at diabetes clinic – all against the backdrop of the public health crisis.
Available now:
PANDAS: THE JOURNEY HOME: Directed by Nicolas Brown and produced by Caroline Hawkins of Oxford Scientific Films, the film follows the center’s pandas at a significant milestone in their history. After decades of its captive breeding program, the center has hit its target number of 300 giant pandas and must now tackle the challenge of reintroducing breeding populations to the wild. Meet all of the pandas at the center as they get ready for their new lives in various parts of the world, and learn about their fascinating habits as you chuckle at their hijinks.
Available on June 16th:
I AM EVEL KNIEVEL: He was the first orignal daredevil and now you can see the untold story of American’s most famous daredevil. With a cast that includes those who were there, those who wanted to be Evel, and those who became who they are today because of one man who paved the way for those that risk it all. Interviews include Matthew McConaughey, Michelle Rodriguez, Kid Rock, Guy Fieri, Robbie Maddison and a host of family, friends and collaborators. This is the inside story of the one who gave birth to the culture of extreme.
Available on June 30th: