In the space between war and a new battle, the “deeply moving” (The Hollywood Reporter) NOT YET BEGUN TO FIGHT unfolds, offering an intimate look at the human cost of combat. Retired Marine Col. Eric Hastings remembers flight missions “high above the death and destruction” in Vietnam. From the cockpit, he traced meandering ribbons that cut through the jungle. He recognized the shapes of the trout streams of home. Every night, he dreamed about fly-fishing. When he returned home to Montana in 1969, to a nation decades from recognizing posttraumatic stress disorder, he went to the water. He tied a fly onto a line and cast. The river, he says, healed him. The multi-award-winning NOT YET BEGUN TO FIGHT (two thumbs up from follows Hastings, co-founder of the Warriors & Quiet Waters Foundation, as he reaches out to a new generation of men returning from the battlefield with both physical and psychic wounds. There’s retired Navy SEAL Elliott Miller, who was shot and lost his ability to speak; Marine Staff Sgt. Mark Hupp, wrestling with PTSD; Marine Cpl. Erik Goodge, who lost his right eye in a blast; and Army Sgt. Erin Schaefer, a paraplegic. Hastings brings the men to the river and shares his secret: there are places where you can still be consumed by a simple act, find joy in a contest against nature, and be redeemed as you gently release another creature, unharmed, into quiet waters. NOT YET BEGUN TO FIGHT becomes a “lyrical meditation on nature and war” (Martin Tsai, Los Angeles Times).
Timed with Veteran’s Day, Not Yet Begun to Fight is now available to stream on Netflix here. If you’re not a Netflix subscriber, the film is available at the below digital retailers – Including $.99 for a limited time only on iTunes and Vimeo on Demand.
Watch now on Netflix, Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, Vudu, Vimeo on Demand, Cinema Now, Target Ticket.