This compelling new documentary explores the impact of American manufacturing on both ordinary citizens and the national economy. Through the stories of innovative entrepreneurs and businesses who are making things in the USA while successfully competing in the global economy, the film examines both the positive ripple effect that comes from domestic manufacturing jobs and the hurdles we’ll need to overcome to start bringing them back, while asking business owners and consumers alike one simple question: what is your part?
Now Available via your Cable Video on Demand Provider
Rocker Pete Jones is in trouble. He’s solo in his personal and professional life and he can’t seem to finish his long-awaited album. Threatened with bankruptcy and a lawsuit from his label, Pete turns to his lost love and former producer turned radio reporter Laura Klein for help.
Available 4/22/14 on iTunes
This electric drama follows Declan Truss, a child prodigy painter who, by seventeen, is fighting mental exhaustion and pressure to produce something new. With a pushy mother and the pressures of an impending show bearing down upon him, Declan’s world opens up when he chances upon a group of rebellious artistic freethinkers in Brooklyn.
Available on DVD 4/29/14