Directed by Steven Barber, produced by Matthew Hausle and Tamara Henry and executive produced by Tim Shelton, Until They Are Home brings to light the extraordinary dedication of the Joint POW/MIA Accounting Command (JPAC) team members, largely unsung heroes who, until now, have been unrecognized while working in the shadows. These young men and women returned in 2010 to the site of one of the most horrific battles of World War II in order to bring home fallen military heroes. Their efforts on the island of Tarawa have provided some closure after 69 years, recovering the remains of a few U.S. servicemen and flying those remains back to American soil. JPAC has more than a dozen teams that travel the globe on recovery missions, and Until They Are Home is the story of one of those missions.
Available for HD Digital Download 3/4/14
Before there was punk, before there was new wave, there was Graham Parker and the Rumour. The genesis of the seventies attitude, the band was lost in time. This film, ten years in the making, offers a heartfelt look at the lives of all the members, focusing on the elusive recluse lead singer and songwriter Graham Parker. Contributions come from the likes of Bruce Springsteen, Nick Lowe, and Joe Jackson.
Available 3/11/14 Exclusively on iTunes
Inspired by a true story, Avi Nesher’s The Wonders combines genres, moods and influences – everything from film noir to Alice in Wonderland – to create a unique and compelling movie that mixes mystery, comedy, psychological thriller, political intrigue and romance. The story focuses on Arnav, a graffiti artist and bartender, who lives near the Old City of Jerusalem. Wearing a mask, he paints walls at night and hopes that Vax, his former girlfriend who recently “found religion,” will come back to him. But when Arnav sees a mysterious stranger forced into an abandoned apartment across the way by three bearded men, he becomes involved with a hard-boiled investigator, a gorgeous mystery woman, and the conflicted, mysterious captive himself.
Available for HD Digital Download 3/18/14
72 years have passed as deer herder Vukvukai lives in the depths of Chukotka. He is an old man full of energy and wisdom – The Real Man of Tundra whose life cannot be seen apart from the deer. His people take care of a huge herd – over 14,000 deer. Their life is a non-stop struggle for survival and well-being in the most harsh weather conditions of Chaun-Chukotka. They deeply believe in the strength of tradition and so succeed in their struggle. The ancient culture of Nomadic Chukchi takes care of them, so they preserve and follow it. As far as it is now – their realm remains stable. This is the Truth of Vukvukai.
Available for HD Digital Download 3/18/14